The Government’s spatial bill is expected to include the activation of the Transfer of Building Factor through the Digital Land Bank.
The bill comes to provide a solution to property owners who own the title deeds that cannot be exploited, taking advantage of the entire building factor that applies in the area. All properties belonging to this category, the holder of which can apply for the issuance of a title deed of the building factor, thus giving him the right to transfer the remaining factor of his property.
More specifically, the Digital Land Bank will buy the building factor from those who own the listed or designated monuments and will sell them to those who have arbitrarily high infringements, with the buyers of the rate arranging the infringements and giving them to the contributor restoration of preservatives. At the same time, the Municipality will be able to bind properties that have been abandoned and restore them with private funding through tenders and then, if the restoration debt is gradually eliminated, to return them to the owners. In addition, the Land Bank will make “problematic” land exchanges (for example forestry) with other public buildings that can be built.
The draft law will include the reduction of general land uses but also their simplification, the institutionalization of driving forces within organized developments, the transfer of the building factor, the better functioning of the cadastre, the resolution and clarification of spatial plans, the simplification of the Building. Regulation, but also important developments in the field of spatial planning with the ultimate goal of developing areas that had been abandoned or left behind in development due to the regime of absolute protection that they were subject to.
At the same time, there is talk of establishing rules that will apply to urban centers so that existing buildings comply with modern societal requirements (disability needs, bicycle use, etc.).